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11. What to Expect; Picking your provider.

Vanessa Warren

Wow, you're embarking on an incredible journey filled with exciting choices, and we're here to empower you every step of the way! Let's chat about something that often flies under the radar but is oh-so-crucial – finding a pregnancy and birth provider who truly gets you, respects your choices, and supports your unique journey.

Have you ever stopped to think about who will be by your side during this miraculous chapter of your life? Your provider is a trusted member of your pregnancy and birth team, there to walk alongside you through the highs and lows of this incredible journey.

So, let's dive into some questions that will help you ensure you've found the All-star for your pregnancy and birth squad:"

  1. What is your approach/philosophy in supporting birth?

  2. How do you support natural births?

  3. How often do you attend non-medicated births?

  4. How involved are your patients in the decision-making process?

  5. What percent of your patients are high vs. low risk?

  6. What prenatal tests and screenings will you recommend? When?

  7. What is your cesarean rate?

  8. What is your induction rate?

    1. At what gestation would you recommend a medical induction?

      1. Aside from due dates, when would you recommend an induction?

        1. How do you feel about pregnancies over 41 weeks?

      2. In the event of any special circumstances, are you happy to negotiate on induction timelines with regular monitoring to increase the chances of spontaneous onset of labor?

  9. What locations do you attend births?

  10. When do you recommend I go to the hospital/birth center?

  11. How do you support breech presentation babies? Do you support breech birth?

  12. What are your thoughts on artificial vs. natural induction methods?

  13. When would you recommend vaginal exams?

  14. When do you recommend electronic fetal monitoring?

  15. What are my options for eating and drinking in labor?

  16. What options do you recommend for managing discomfort during labor?

  17. Do you run a solo practice or are you a part of a group practice?

    1. Do you have a shared on-call system with other providers?

    2. Who will attend my birth if you are not available?

    3. Do you have any holidays or time off planned?

  18. How do you feel about additional support people being present during the birth? (i.e.: doulas)

  19. How do you feel about provider-directed vs. mother-directed pushing and bearing down?

  20. What is your episiotomy rate?

  21. How do you support the perineum during birth?

  22. I would like to be able to birth in the position that intuitively feels right for my body, how do you feel about potentially supporting birth in an upright position?

  23. Do you see any indications that my pregnancy is at an increased risk for any complications or conditions?

  24. I want [insert desired birth style and preferences]. Are you the best provider to support my pregnancy and birth preference?

  25. Do you agree to listen to me and respect my choices regarding my body, my baby, and my birth?

  26. If I have questions or need advice, how can I contact you?

These questions are like golden keys that unlock your desired birthing experience! They might make you reevaluate your provider choice, or they might reassure you that you've made the perfect pick.

This is a time to really listen to your provider, about what word choices are they making. Are they saying “I allow” or “We can’t let youWords that imply they have power over your choices are a big RED FLAG.

Are they using fear as a way to control your choice? Quoting you have a high chance of ____ without telling you the actual percent chance? Or maybe they are pulling the “ you don’t want to hurt your baby” card.

It is a disgusting truth that some providers are and will say these horrible things to expecting mothers. Pregnant women are expected to stay quiet and follow along with their provider's plan for their birth, but in reality, this is your birth.

You hold all the choices for your birth.

Remember, it's never too late to switch providers if it doesn't feel right.

Your body, your baby, your BIRTH – it's all about YOU! Your provider can either be your biggest cheerleader or they can hit the road. So, don't be shy – ask those questions, and feel the magic in the connection!

Trust your instincts, mama. If something doesn't feel right, explore it!

You deserve respect, dignity, and a provider who uplifts your choices. Your pregnancy and birth memories should be cherished forever; the right provider can make all the difference.

Remember, you have the power to make the best choice for YOU.

Stay tuned for more exciting insights on pregnancy and follow us on Instagram. 📱💬

We're here to support and celebrate YOU! 🎉✨

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