Guess what? You're in for an exciting journey, and I'm here to tell you something amazing – you have the power to make choices during your pregnancy and labor that truly matter.
One choice, in particular, is whether or not to have cervical checks. Let's dive right into it and explore why this decision is all yours to make!
🤔 To Check or Not to Check: The Cervical Exam Dilemma 🤔
As your pregnancy journey nears its grand finale, some healthcare providers may suggest cervical checks, also known as pelvic exams. But guess what? They are completely OPTIONAL, and you have every right to decline them if you choose.
Now, there's been a bit of a debate about whether these checks are necessary or helpful outside of labor. So, let's embark on this enlightening journey together and learn more about them!
💫 The Sensitivity of Your Cervix 💫
As you approach the magical 40-week mark, certain areas of your body, like the vagina, become more sensitive. A cervical exam involves your provider inserting two fingers into your vagina and feeling your cervix. Yep, it can be uncomfortable, and for some, painful due to that heightened sensitivity.
🧐 What Are They Checking For? 🧐
During this exam, your provider is on a mission to check several important things, including:
✨ Dilation: Measured in centimeters, this indicates how open your cervix is, ranging from 0 cm (completely closed) to 10 cm (fully dilated for labor).
✨ Effacement: This is all about the thinning and stretching of your cervix, measured in percentages (0% to 100%).
✨ Cervical Position: Did you know your cervix can move around during pregnancy? Fascinating, right?
✨ Consistency: Your provider also assesses how firm or soft your cervix is – it can be firm, medium, or soft, like your chin, nose, or lips.
✨ Baby's Station: Ever heard terms like -3 or +1 station and wondered what they meant? Well, let's demystify it! During pregnancy, your baby floats around in your womb, but as they grow, they settle into your pelvis in a head-down position.
The baby's station refers to how far down in the pelvis the baby's head is. It's measured from -5 to +5, with the ischial spines (part of your hip bones) as a reference point. Higher numbers mean the baby is descending further into the pelvis. 🙌
❗ Your Cervix: The Real MVP ❗
It's crucial to remember that while all this info from a cervical exam can be reassuring, it can't predict when labor will start or when your baby will arrive.
There is a risk that your water may break before labor begins. Every check increases that risk Due to something, a hand, being inserted into your vagina your risk for infection is also increasing, if your water is broken that also puts your baby at risk for infection as well.
🚩Some providers may even perform a stretch and sweep without your consent🚩
It's essential to clarify the purpose of the exam beforehand. Clearly state if you do or do not give consent to a stretch and sweep🚩
✨ It's Your Choice! ✨
The beauty of this whole process is that it's YOUR choice! Some moms find comfort in knowing what's happening in their bodies, while others opt to skip the discomfort of the exam.
So, whether you're pro-checks or leaning towards a pass, remember that you can have an open and honest discussion with your provider. Ask them why they recommend it, whether it's necessary, and weigh the risks and benefits together.
And here's a golden nugget of wisdom: don't fixate solely on dilation. Your cervix is a multitasking superstar, and it can be making progress in other ways.
Curious to know more? Drop a comment below! We're here to support and cheer you on throughout this fantastic journey!